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Defending the Electoral College and the Constitution since 2009

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Complaints about Electoral College apply to Congress

March 13, 2019 in Electoral College

Whether from National Popular Vote advocates or others, there are plenty of complaints about the Electoral College. Yet three of the most common are also the easiest to answer because each applies ev…

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Law professor explains why NPV is not "fair"

May 28, 2018 in Electoral College

Law professor Laura Hollis responds to claims that the Electoral College is outdated. She explains that Congress is based on the same balance of population and geography, and that the NPV interstate …

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The Electoral College and Campaign 2016

October 1, 2016 in Electoral College

Every four years, many Americans wind up on the losing side and thus disappointed by the presidential election. No matter how politically correct we get, not everyone can get a trophy on election day…

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States would lose under plan targeting Electoral College

July 27, 2014 in Electoral College

Why are liberal partisans trying to change the rules for presidential elections? And why have some right-leaning legislators, even here in Oklahoma, jumped on board? Unsurprisingly, the answer to the…

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LA Times misquotes James Madison

May 29, 2012 in Electoral College

The LA Times editorial board often prints anti-Electoral College columns, so yesterday’s piece along these lines is not surprising. Yesterday, however, one LA Times writer attempted to utilize James …

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National Popular Vote’s misleading baseball analogy

October 3, 2011 in Electoral College reports that National Popular Vote has launched a new advertising campaign in Pennsylvania. NPV hopes to dampen enthusiasm for a proposal to award Pennsylvania’s electors by congressio…

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Does NPV ensure that votes are not “wasted”?

August 29, 2011 in Electoral College

A common argument made in favor of NPV (or any national direct election plan) is that it keeps votes from being “wasted.” Editorialists such as this one argue, for example, “Did you know that the 1.2…

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George Soros Supports the Tea Party?

August 16, 2011 in Electoral College

Or So National Popular Vote Wants You to Believe By: Tara Ross & Trent England Even as the rest of the country focuses on the economy, the inventor of the scratch-off lottery ticket continues hi…

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NPV claims fall flat

August 4, 2011 in Electoral College

In the last two days, I've debated four National Popular Vote advocates in two cities and spoken about the issue as part of a panel presentation on federalism. Here are a few things I noted from the …

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Myths of National Popular Vote

March 29, 2011 in Electoral College

Traveling around the country defending federalism and the Electoral College, I have heard an amazing array of different--sometimes contradictory--claims made by National Popular Vote (NPV) advocates.…

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