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Defending the Electoral College and the Constitution since 2009

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California teenagers could make small states disappear with NPV

August 26, 2024 by Trent England in Electoral College

The National Popular Vote interstate compact (NPV), adopted by 17 blue states, would force the Electoral College to rubber stamp the popular vote result. And while the compact eliminates most of the …

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Electoral College forces party outreach

August 19, 2024 by Trent England in Electoral College

With both campaigns scrapping for voters, I thought it a good time to revisit a section of my book, “Why We Must Defend the Electoral College.” At conferences this summer, I’ve had many people ask wh…

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Who’s the Losing Candidate? (Illinois & Texas Edition)

August 13, 2024 by Sean Parnell in Electoral College

One of the many defects in the National Popular Vote interstate compact is that it would be essentially impossible to conduct a full recount* if the national margin were close. This is because state …

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Another Baseball Lesson for the Electoral College

August 8, 2024 by Sean Parnell in Electoral College

My friends Michael Maibach and Tara Ross have both used the World Series to illustrate how the Electoral College works (an analogy earlier used by MIT physicist Alan Natapoff, another Electoral Colle…

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Electoral College Curriculum

August 5, 2024 by Trent England in Electoral College

What is the Electoral College? Why do we have it? And why do some other countries have similar electoral systems? Understanding the Electoral College starts with answering these basic questions. That…

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How the 12th Amendment affects vice presidential picks

July 5, 2024 by Michael C. Maibach in Electoral College

During this presidential campaign year, there is, as always, speculation on vice presidential choices. One feature of these conversations is that it is unwise to have presidential and vice presidenti…

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Maine Democrats Called Out

May 31, 2024 by Trent England in Electoral College

“Those in glass houses should not throw stones.” That old saying is a warning against hypocrisy, something certain Mane Democrats should consider after forcing their state into the National Popular V…

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Parnell in The Center Square

May 29, 2024 by Trent England in Electoral College

Our own Sean Parnell recently had a column warning of the threat of John Koza’s National Popular Vote interstate compact (NPV) in The Center Square, a new and rapidly growing provider of statehouse n…

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Tara Ross and Michael Maibach explain the Electoral College

May 28, 2024 by Harry Roth in Electoral College

Save Our States distinguished fellow Michael Maibach and author Tara Ross joined the Independent Women's Network to discuss the Electoral College. With the 2024 presidential election less than six mo…

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Unfinished Recounts and litigation could thwart the compact

May 10, 2024 by Sean Parnell in Electoral College

One thing is clear from my years defending the Electoral College: the people at NPV, Inc. don’t understand the presidential election process or how the compact is supposed to work. For example, in a …

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