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Defending the Electoral College and the Constitution since 2009

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NPV claims fall flat

August 4, 2011 in Electoral College

In the last two days, I've debated four National Popular Vote advocates in two cities and spoken about the issue as part of a panel presentation on federalism. Here are a few things I noted from the …

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Myths of National Popular Vote

March 29, 2011 in Electoral College

Traveling around the country defending federalism and the Electoral College, I have heard an amazing array of different--sometimes contradictory--claims made by National Popular Vote (NPV) advocates.…

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The surprise awaiting state legislators

January 5, 2011 in Electoral College

Newly elected legislators may be in for a surprise when state legislative sessions begin this month. They doubtless anticipate a focus on the economy, health care, budget deficits, and taxes—all issu…

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D.C. mayor ditches the Electoral College

October 18, 2010 by Tara Ross in Electoral College

The National Popular Vote plan is one step closer to becoming law in Washington, D.C. Last week, Mayor Adrian Fenty signed the bill, which was approved by the D.C. Council in September. Congress has …

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The Electoral College takes another hit

September 22, 2010 by Tara Ross in Electoral College

And so the dominoes continue to fall. The D.C. Council yesterday approved the National Popular Vote plan that has been pending before several state legislatures. D.C.’s approval comes less than two m…

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