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Defending the Electoral College and the Constitution since 2009

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Electoral College benefits visible as votes are counted; Colorado ‘popular vote’ measure remains close
Trent England • Nov 04, 2020

While the outcome remains uncertain, the Electoral College is working as designed. Each state ran its own election and now each is responsible for fairly counting its votes. Any disputes will be contained within individual states. Without the Electoral College, a close election could mean a nationwide recount, and Washington, DC would end up running elections—putting presidents in charge of their own reelections.

As votes are counted in Colorado, it is clear that the result on the ‘National Popular Vote’ measure (Prop. 113) will be close. That is telling, since opponents of the Electoral College routinely claim to have overwhelming support. Even in ‘blue’ Colorado, nearly half the voters rejected this end-run around the Constitution.

Save Our States continues to educate Americans about the constitutional system with our new documentary, Safeguard: An Electoral College Story. The feature-length film, available on Amazon, explains the history and reasoning behind the Electoral College through a collection of experts and engaging visuals.