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Defending the Electoral College and the Constitution since 2009

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The Electoral College is Fair

January 10, 2023 by Harry Roth in Electoral College

The Electoral College is sometimes derided as unfair, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. The allocation of electoral votes is based on the census and is equal to a state’s number of represe…

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2024 presidential race reminds us: states matter

November 15, 2022 by Trent England in Electoral College

The midterm elections are over, so now the question is: Who will be the Democratic and Republican nominees for President in 2024? Americans will sort that out over the next 18 months. Assuming Joe Bi…

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National Popular Vote's Fishy Tales

November 12, 2022 by Sean Parnell in Electoral College

More than two years ago I wrote a post titled “NPV to Maine: Drop Dead” inspired by a lobbyist for the National Popular Vote interstate compact (NPV) complaining that in order to win the electoral vo…

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2016 “National Popular Vote” winner… Donald Trump?

November 10, 2022 by Sean Parnell in Electoral College

A critical weakness of the National Popular Vote interstate compact (NPV) is the lack of an official national vote count. Instead, the compact gives the chief election official in each member state—…

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Electoral Count Reform Act poses serious problems for National Popular Vote

October 7, 2022 by Sean Parnell in Electoral College

There’s been a lot of analysis and commentary about legislation dubbed the “Electoral Count Reform Act” (ECRA), introduced by U.S. Senator Susan Collins (a similar bill, but with less bipartisan supp…

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The Electoral College did not end Roe v. Wade

June 28, 2022 by Sean Parnell in Electoral College

The Supreme Court’s decision striking down the landmark Roe v. Wade decision has sparked a political and social firestorm, with many sharply criticizing the court’s decision while others praise it. S…

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January 6th committee member has it backward

June 14, 2022 by Trent England in Electoral College

A member of the January 6th Select Committee, Rep. Jamie Raskin is one of the most far-left members of Congress. He represents Maryland’s extremely Gerrymandered eighth district, which is dominated b…

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The latest silly partisan attack on Electoral College

April 28, 2022 by Trent England in Electoral College

Usually, it’s Democrats claiming that the Electoral College hurts their party, but sometimes a Republican gets in on that game. Columnist Rachel Alexander recently regurgitated a series of National P…

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