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Politics vs Math

February 27, 2024 by Trent England in Electoral College

Sean Parnell and I have written extensively about potential conflicts between ranked-choice voting (RCV) and the NPV interstate compact. My latest, Popular Vote Compact Collides With Ranked-choice Vo…

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In praise of (one part of) the National Popular Vote compact

November 16, 2023 by Sean Parnell in Electoral College

I am not generally prone to pointing at parts of the National Popular Vote interstate compact (NPV) and saying, “They definitely knew what they were doing here” (unless I’m being sarcastic). But ther…

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National Popular Vote lobbyists contradict themselves on using estimated vote totals

November 2, 2023 by Sean Parnell in Electoral College

The following is adapted from an upcoming memo responding to a series of recent claims made by lobbyists for the National Popular Vote interstate compact. Lobbyists for the National Popular Vote inte…

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Pew Poll says little about Electoral College, nothing about NPV

October 2, 2023 by Trent England in Electoral College

Opponents of the Electoral College are crowing about the latest Pew Research Poll, which claims to show that most Americans want a direct election for President. It’s important to note that the poll …

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NPV is gasoline on the immigration policy dumpster fire

June 15, 2023 by Trent England in Electoral College

What’s the wildest claim made when National Popular Vote interstate compact (NPV) lobbyists court Republicans? Probably that NPV is the antidote to illegal immigration’s effect on reapportionment. Th…

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Michigan House considers unconstitutional NPV bill

June 6, 2023 by Trent England in Electoral College

The state’s Constitution is clear: to vote for Michigan’s presidential electors, a person must be a state resident. Yet today, the House Elections Committee is slated to consider legislation to allow…

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Nevada would disappear with NPV, state is smaller than 18 metropolitan areas

June 1, 2023 by Harry Roth in Electoral College

Lobbyists for the National Popular Vote interstate compact (NPV) often claim their election scheme would benefit the whole country. With the Nevada legislature taking steps to join the compact, it's …

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