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States consider preemptive measures against National Popular Vote

February 10, 2021 by Sean Parnell in Electoral College

One of the biggest defects of the National Popular Vote interstate compact (NPV), as I’ve pointed out many times over the years, is that there is no official, accurate, uniform, or timely national vo…

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2020 Voter Turnout Not Tied to “Battleground State” Status

January 27, 2021 by Sean Parnell in Electoral College

One talking point frequently used by advocates of the National Popular Vote interstate compact (NPV) is that it would increase voter turnout. The argument is that would-be voters in so-called “safe” …

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The myth of 'wrong-winner' elections

November 20, 2020 by Sean Parnell in Electoral College

Key Points Presidents who won without a popular-vote plurality campaigned under the rules of the time, and it is misleading to call them “wrong winner” elections based on some imaginary preferred …

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Reasonable but wrong: The Washington Post’s call for abolishing the Electoral College

November 17, 2020 by Sean Parnell in Electoral College

Normally I would come to bury, not praise, an editorial that calls for abolishing the Electoral College. But as I read Monday’s Washington Post editorial I couldn’t help but notice that, while genera…

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National Popular Vote: Recount madness

November 17, 2020 by Sean Parnell in Electoral College

Key Points NPV could require, for the first time in American history, a nationwide recount. In a close election under NPV, it would be impossible to conduct a legitimate national recount.The cour…

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National Popular Vote and rural America

November 16, 2020 by Sean Parnell in Electoral College

Key PointsThe interests of small-town and rural Americans have to be taken into account when trying to win statewide elections under the Electoral College.There are 223 million Americans in just thos…

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Why do we have the Electoral College?

September 16, 2020 by Sean Parnell in Electoral College

Key Points Only two methods of selecting the president were seriously considered at the Constitutional Convention: congressional appointment or electors. Direct election was seen as impractical: too …

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National Popular Vote’s dignified death in New Hampshire

September 11, 2020 by Sean Parnell in Electoral College

The committee on Election Law in the New Hampshire House of Representatives met yesterday afternoon to consider the National Popular Vote interstate compact. The meeting wasn’t to decide the bill’s f…

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