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Defending the Electoral College and the Constitution since 2009

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Former ACLU official: NPV has a dangerous flaw

March 23, 2021 by Trent England in Electoral College

At Save Our States, we support the Electoral College. But even opponents of the Electoral College recognize dangerous flaws in the National Popular Vote interstate compact (NPV). Andy Katz, former pr…

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Constitutional Amendment Introduced to Abolish Electoral College

February 22, 2021 by Sean Parnell in Electoral College

Congress has considered more constitutional amendments to change or abolish the Electoral College than on any other subject. The latest, House Joint Resolution 14, was introduced in early 2021. Like…

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New York Submits Inaccurate Presidential Vote Count (Again)

February 22, 2021 by Sean Parnell in Electoral College

One of the many defects in the National Popular Vote interstate compact (NPV) is that it requires member states to accept at face value the vote totals submitted by every other state, even if those v…

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States consider preemptive measures against National Popular Vote

February 10, 2021 by Sean Parnell in Electoral College

One of the biggest defects of the National Popular Vote interstate compact (NPV), as I’ve pointed out many times over the years, is that there is no official, accurate, uniform, or timely national vo…

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Political "trigger" undercuts NPV's moral claim

February 8, 2021 by Trent England in Electoral College

Advocates for the National Popular Vote interstate compact (NPV) claim it’s simple—direct democracy is the only legitimate way to hold an election. This is an attack on every parliamentary system or …

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How close is NPV to hijacking presidential elections?

February 5, 2021 by Trent England in Electoral College

How concerned should Americans be about the National Popular Vote interstate compact (NPV) taking effect before the 2024 presidential election? There are currently 15 states plus DC that have joined …

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Why NPV might drive down voter turnout

February 4, 2021 by Trent England in Electoral College

In a recent post, Sean Parnell offers something all too rare in political debates: data. He shows that a state’s status as “safe” or “battleground” does not determine voter turnout. Some high turnout…

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Election law ignorance fuels NPV push

February 3, 2021 by Trent England in Electoral College

Earlier I wrote in response to NPV’s Utah “organizer” Bunnie Keen claiming that their plan is just a minor “update” to the Electoral College. Of course, the real purpose is to nullify the constitutio…

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2020 Voter Turnout Not Tied to “Battleground State” Status

January 27, 2021 by Sean Parnell in Electoral College

One talking point frequently used by advocates of the National Popular Vote interstate compact (NPV) is that it would increase voter turnout. The argument is that would-be voters in so-called “safe” …

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