To save
our republic,
we must
save our states

The constitutional power of the states is under constant attack. Why? Because states are essential to defending limited government, maintaining checks and balances, and even protecting our national security.
Defend your state today:
Defending the Electoral College
The Electoral College unifies, moderates, and protects American politics. It is part of what makes the United States a federal republic. For more than 230 years, the United States has enjoyed exceptional success with constitutional and representative government. One reason is the Electoral College.
Protecting honest elections
Whether an election is for presidential electors or school board members, the system should be transparent and verifiably honest. We oppose proposals like ranked-choice voting that make elections needlessly complicated and support policies that help voters trust the process.
Promoting voter participation
The lowest turnout elections are those held “off cycle” at odd times of the year. These obscure elections often increase the power of insiders at the expense of everyone else. This is wrong and unnecessary. The easiest way for states to increase voter participation is by consolidating election days.
Protecting jobs and savings
Our economy is threatened by a campaign called ESG, which claims to promote responsible Environmental, Social, and Governance policies in businesses. Consumers’ Research, founded in 1929 to educate and protect consumers, says ESG should really stand for Erasing Savings and Growth. States must act—and many are—to protect jobs and savings from ESG.
Standing up to foreign threats
From Chinese Communist Party–backed businesses buying American infrastructure to Russian and North Korean state-sponsored hackers, we face too many serious threats simply to wait for action from Washington, DC. States have the power to protect agriculture, ports, communications infrastructure, and educational institutions from foreign interference.
Saving our republic by saving our states
Save Our States was founded in 2009 to defend the Electoral College from the dangerous National Popular Vote campaign, which would nullify the Electoral College without a constitutional amendment.

Since that time, we have expanded our work to help states improve elections and use their power to defend our republic. Save Our States provides experts to meet with legislators, write articles, speak to civic organizations, and appear in the media.
From the blog
NPV: Let judges decide elections
NPV compact lacks normal protections
NPV is not a normal interstate compact
Who voted for Canada’s new Prime Minister?
States are stepping up to defend the Electoral College
National Popular Vote Tries to Minimize Recount Problem
NPV compact flubs basic constitutional process
State considers presidential elector districts
Testimony in support of Colorado’s NPV repeal bill
Will NPV lobbyists stop their “blue wall” talk now?
How do presidential elections really work? And what would happen if we changed the rules? In Safeguard: An Electoral College Story, award-winning filmmaker M.A. Taylor answers those questions.

Why do we have the Electoral College, and how does it protect our politics? What is ranked-choice voting, who’s behind it, and how does it make voting harder? The founder of Save Our States answers these questions in two brief books.

Join the fight to save our states
The states are under attack but together we can save our republic.