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Media Hits

Juneau Empire: Failed election shows why Alaska should repeal ranked-choice voting

December 5, 2023 in Elections

Most Americans just want elections where it’s easy to vote, hard to cheat and easy to trust the results. Alaska has experimented with ranked-choice voting (RCV) and a citizens’ initiative now propose…

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The Blade: Reject ranked-choice voting in Ohio

December 2, 2023 in Elections

Americans want elections where it’s easy to vote, hard to cheat, and results are trustworthy. The Ohio legislature is considering a bill that meets all three of these objectives. It would prohibit th…

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Must Read Alaska: Who is really behind ranked-choice voting? The usual suspects

November 27, 2023 in Elections

Democracy is not “heads I win, tails you lose,” but some left-leaning reformers want it that way. When they disagree with election outcomes, they demand wholesale changes to the process. Ranked-choic…

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Las Vegas Review-Journal: Nevada voters lose with ranked choice voting

October 28, 2023 in Elections

Most of us just want elections that are trustworthy. We want it to be easy to vote and hard to cheat. Next year, Nevadans will hold a final vote on whether to add Ranked-Choice Voting to the state Co…

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Reno Gazette Journal: Want nuclear waste in Nevada? Join the National Popular Vote Compact

May 17, 2023 by Sean Parnell in Electoral College

Will the Nevada Legislature vote to surrender the state’s presidential voting power to other states? The question is now before the State Senate in the form of the National Popular Vote interstate co…

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