Defending the Electoral College and the Constitution since 2009
WASHINGTON, Nov. 14, 2021, – Today, Save Our States, a national group working to defend the Electoral College, released important polling from Michigan regarding the National Popular Vote (NPV) interstate compact. The Michigan Board of State Canvassers may approve a ballot petition drive to put the issue before Michigan voters.
The new survey data from Save our States shows tough sledding for NPV in Michigan when voters learn how NPV limits their role in presidential elections and shifts political clout to the largest population centers in states like California, New York, and Texas. Michigan voters, including Republicans, Democrats and Independents, overwhelmingly say Michigan’s electoral votes should go to the candidate who receives the most votes in Michigan.
“The NPV compact is riddled with flaws and contradictions. Most Michiganders believe their voices should be heard and not given away to giant cities on the coasts,” said Trent England, Executive Director of Save Our States. “Today Michigan enjoys significant political clout, but NPV would take that away. And not only would it ignore the will of voters in Michigan, NPV would also make elections more divisive and uncertain.”
Key Survey Findings:
- A large majority of voters (67%) believe their Electoral College votes should go to the candidate who gets the most votes in Michigan, not the candidate who gets the most votes nationally. A further breakdown is below:
- 66% of Democratic voters agreed
- 69% of Republican voters agreed
- 68% of Independent voters agreed
- A plurality of voters (44%) are less likely to support NPV if it ignores the will of the Michiganders.
- A plurality of voters (48%) believe NPV is unfair to voters in rural states and bypasses our Constitution. A further breakdown is below:
- 40% of Democratic voters agreed
- 56 % of Republican voters agreed
- 47% of Independent voters agreed
CRC Research conducted an online and live telephone survey on behalf of Save Our States among 500 registered voters in Michigan conducted October 14 – 16, 2021. Gender breakdown: 47% men – 53% women with a 4.38% overall margin of error at the 95% confidence interval for the overall survey.
View additional polling information below or visit for more information.

About Save Our States:
Our States is the one group dedicated to defending the Electoral College
from the dangerous National Popular Vote plan, which seeks to nullify the
Electoral College without a constitutional amendment. In 2008, states worth 38
electoral votes signed on to NPV. At that pace, it would have taken effect by
2016. Recognizing this threat to our republic, attorney and legal scholar Trent
England created Save Our States in 2009. Working with author Tara Ross and
election policy expert Sean Parnell, Save Our States became the only organized
opposition to the NPV concept.