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Stand up to the People's Republic of China

There are two ways you can stand up for Nebraska and against the communist government of China.

First, contact local officials you know (city or county council members, police chiefs, sheriffs, etc.). Ask them to evaluate the risk to their government or agency from a conflict with China, including whether technology or other purchases are benefitting the PRC regime. Find contact information for your local government here.

Second, send a letter to the editor of your local newspaper raising awareness about the threat of China’s communist government in Nebraska. Here are some talking points you might use.

  • In China, there is no freedom of speech or religion and no right to vote.

  • China’s communist government punishes those who question or criticize it.

  • Now, that repressive regime is trying to extend its power into the United States.

  • State and local governments need to stop allowing China to infiltrate our governments, schools, and other institutions.

  • State and local officials can take action, without waiting for Washington, to protect local communities.

Here are some articles that might help you think about what to write.

Visit the website of your local newspaper to find the email or webpage to submit a letter. If you want to see lists of newspapers in your area, you can find those here (the largest papers are listed first, with links to lists for each state below that). And feel free to contact us, we’re glad to help you with your letter.