Defending the Electoral College and the Constitution since 2009
Support for the Electoral College is surging in state legislatures across the country, with multiple states passing resolutions to defend our 238-year-old election system. So far, three states have passed measures affirming their commitment to the Electoral College.
In Arizona, HB2649 passed the House of Representatives earlier this week. The bill, sponsored by Majority Leader Steve Montenegro, is a statement of the legislature's support for the Electoral College system.
Over in South Dakota, HCR6013 passed with unanimous support, 70-0, and is already scheduled for a hearing in the state Senate next week. The resolution has been moving at light speed since being introduced earlier this month. Not only does the resolution support the Electoral College and denounce the National Popular Vote interstate compact, but it also calls for the creation of an anti-National Popular Vote compact that requires member states to legally challenge the constitutionality of the National Popular Vote interstate compact.
North Dakota’s resolution, SCR4013, has been quickly working its way through the Senate after being introduced earlier this year; it passed this week and has been received by the state House. Similar to South Dakota's resolution, SCR4013 also calls for the creation of an anti-National Popular Vote compact.
Increasingly, states are waking up to the threat of NPV and are taking action to protect their citizens and our Electoral College system at large. Our constitutional republic can't defend itself; American citizens and our representatives must step up to protect it.