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NPV Chairman John Koza is big giver to the left
Guest Author • Aug 11, 2021

From Barack Obama to Donald Trump, through natural disasters and technological breakthroughs, we've had one constant this decade: A flood of money to the left from John Koza.

Now certainly there's nothing wrong with participating in politics, as long as it's honest. The question is how seriously anyone should take Koza's campaign to convince Republicans to back NPV.

The table below offers a sampling of Koza's political giving. View it all at the Federal Election Commission's website (there's more than 300 entries).

$50,0002012American Bridge 21st Century
$30,8002012Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee
$15,0002012Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
$25,0002012House Majority PAC
$25,0002012House Majority PAC
$50,0002013Senate Majority PAC
$32,4002013Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee
$25,0002013DGA Action
$25,0002013DGA Action
$30,8002013Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
$2,6002013Jeff Merkley for Oregon
$2,6002013Jeff Merkley for Oregon
$25,0002014Minnesota Democratic Farmer Labor Party
$33,4002015Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee

Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee

$2,7002015Blumenthal for Connecticut
$2,6802015Wyden for Senate
$25,0002016American Bridge 21st Century
$33,9002017Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee
$33,4002017Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
$33,4002017Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
$25,0002017American Bridge 21st Century
$2,7002017Friends of Sherrod Brown
$2,7002017Friends of Sherrod Brown
$2,7002017Tammy Baldwin for Senate
$2,7002017Tammy Baldwin for Senate
$25,0002018American Bridge 21st Century
$30,0002018National Horizon
$35,5002019Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
$21,1002019Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee
$14,4002019Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee
$25,0002019American Bridge 21st Century
$2,8002020Gretchen Driskell for Congress
$25,0002020American Bridge 21st Century
$2,9002021Garamendi for Congress
$2,9002021Garamendi for Congress