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Let’s Try Political Reforms That Actually Work
Staff • Sep 17, 2024

Ranked-choice voting has been sold as a revolutionary election system that will increase voting, produce better results, and reduce toxicity, but this could not be further from the reality.

Trent England, executive director of Save Our States, wrote about alternative election reforms in Real Clear Policy.

“The most important reform is also the most complicated because it involves restrictions on political money—and owning up to past mistakes. In 2002, President George W. Bush signed the McCain-Feingold bill that drastically limited fundraising by political parties. The unintended consequences? That money now goes to pop-up political groups that have little interest in building coalitions or even being honest because they are here today, gone tomorrow.

Rolling back this part of McCain-Feingold, allowing Democrats, Republicans, and other parties to raise and spend this money themselves, would reduce the power of “dark money.” This would mean healthier political parties and more positive political ads. After all, political parties have an interest in elections all over the country and for years to come."

Read the whole piece at Real Clear Policy