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Defending the Electoral College and the Constitution since 2009

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Electoral College Curriculum
Trent England • Aug 05, 2024

What is the Electoral College? Why do we have it? And why do some other countries have similar electoral systems?

Understanding the Electoral College starts with answering these basic questions. That’s why, four years ago, Save Our States helped to produce the full-length documentary Safeguard: An Electoral College Story. And now our friends at used some of our film to create an Electoral College curriculum for middle and high school students.

A non-profit curriculum creator, provides resources to schools across the country. In addition to print and video materials, their Electoral College curriculum includes a teacher’s guide and quiz. It’s a great way during this election season to help students understand the process and purpose of the Electoral College.

It’s not the first time Save Our States has helped to educate America’s students. The transcript of a speech I delivered about the importance of the Electoral College, printed in Hillsdale College’s Imprimis speech digest, has also been used in classrooms to present the argument in favor of our constitutional system. And a few years ago, we even helped develop curriculum materials for a state’s department of education.

Are you a teacher in need of materials, or a guest speaker? Save Our States may be able to help you. Contact us here.