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Defending the Electoral College and the Constitution since 2009

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Daily headlines for Dec. 22
Harry Roth • Dec 22, 2020

The Virginia Gazette: Say no to proposed National Popular Vote Interstate Compact

The urge to fix something that isn’t broken is common and powerful in our society. Advocates of the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact are calling for a “circular firing squad” that purports to make United States presidential elections to be national popularity contests.

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Elko Daily: Electoral College worked in settling the 2020 election

In 1787, after America had won its independence on the battlefield, a group of its leaders met in Philadelphia to write the Constitution. A part of that document established the Electoral College, a group of “electors” who would settle any dispute over the race for the presidency.

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The Liberty Herald: How Congress will count the Electoral College votes on Jan. 6

“We are only a couple of weeks away from when the United States Congress will certify the 2020 election. This process of the Electoral College and Congressional certification hasn’t really been publicized like it has this year. With the focus on Donald Trump and his inability to concede the election many are wondering what Congress can do to stop Biden from becoming President. Even though that scenario is extremely unlikely, we put together a cheater for you all on how Congress counts the votes.”

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