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Defending the Electoral College and the Constitution since 2009

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Save Arizona

To save our republic, we must save our states—and state officials must use their own constitutional powers rather than waiting on federal officials.

Arizona can defend the Electoral College, promote honest elections, protect our economy, and safeguard our infrastructure against foreign threats—but policymakers need to hear from you.

Arizona Capitol

Make your
voice heard
in Arizona

Defend the Electoral College in Arizona

The Electoral College is part of our constitutional system of checks and balances, but the National Popular Vote campaign is trying to destroy it. Their plan to nullify the Electoral College could silence Arizona voters. Your state legislators need to hear from you now.
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Stand up to the People's Republic of China

China’s communist government oppresses its people at home and is desperate to extend its power abroad—even in the United States. Local and state officials must act to stop foreign influence operations, defend our economy, and secure our infrastructure. Alert your community by sending a letter to the editor.
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Oppose Ranked-Choice Voting

RCV makes it harder to vote, harder to count the votes, and harder to trust the results. It’s a bad idea that has been rejected time and again when it’s tried. States should protect voters from RCV. Educate voters and policymakers about the dangers of RCV by sending a letter to the editor today.
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